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Proven Medical benefits of Qigong


Updated: Jan 5

Qigong is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Qigong is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Developed thousands of years ago, Medicinal Qigong has been practiced around the globe with amazing results.


Subject to tests Medicinal Qigong has treated Diabetes and cronic heart disease to name a few conditions. Research details below.

Now subject to scientific studies with astounding results. Medicinal Qigong is becoming even more popular as people take health care into their own hands.

Scientific testing by leading institutions has validated the claims made over thousands of years by many, proving the effect Medicinal Qigong has against illnesses requiring constant medication. Read on for some interesting results.


For thousands of years, Qigong has strengthened millions of people’s health and vitality. This seemingly miraculous system of illness prevention and health management can help to improve – and even reverse – some of the world’s most common health conditions including Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke to name but a few. Read on.

Developed by the Taoists of ancient China, today the incredible healing power of Qigong is being verified by a growing body of peer-reviewed scientific studies.

References on page bottom

1. Qigong for Heart Disease


According to the World Health Organization, heart disease was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2018. An increasing body of research suggests that Qigong can reduce heart disease symptoms, improve heart function, and help heart disease patients restore their health.

In Taiwan in 2018, a randomized controlled study on 100 patients with cardiovascular disease showed that Qigong improved their ability to exercise, alleviated their depression, and improved their quality of life – without any adverse effects.

In China, Qigong has been used extensively to rehabilitate heart disease patients. A 2012 meta-analysis conducted by the University of Hong Kong on 540 patients found Qigong to be an “optimal option for patients with chronic heart diseases.”


2. Qigong for Stroke


Every year, 15 million people around the world have a stroke. Approximately 5 million of these people die and another 5 million are left disabled for life.  


A 2019 study evaluated the effects of Qigong on stroke patients over 10 days. The patients were divided into two groups: a Qigong group, and a control group that received standard medical care. Guess which group did better? That’s right: the Qigong group reported a “significantly higher quality of life” at the end of the study than the control group.

3.Qigong for Diabetes


Over 8.5% of all the adults in the world have diabetes, and an estimated 1.6 million people died from diabetes in 2016. Thanks to poor diets, a lack of nutritional education, and the insatiable bottom line of the processed food industry, the prevalence of diabetes is increasing. Fortunately, Qigong can have a profound influence on the body’s metabolism.

In 2010, Bastyr University conducted a 12 week clinical trial comparing the physical and psychological effects of Medical Qigong against the standard medical care treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes. At the end of the study, the insulin resistance of the control group increased, while the insulin resistance of the Qigong group decreased.

A 2018 study from Xi'an Physical Education University in China explored the effects of Qigong on 40 diabetic middle aged women. These women were divided into two groups; one group performing Qigong exercises over the span of 24 weeks, and a control group that didn’t exercise. The Qigong group had significantly decreased waist measurements, waist-hip ratios, blood sugar levels, and total cholesterol levels compared to when they began the experiment and compared to the control group.

Qigong can do wonders for your glycemic index, along with smart dietary choices, such as exploring the ketogenic diet and/or intermittent fasting.


4. Qigong for Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a condition often accompanied by chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, stiffness of the muscles and sleeping problems. FMS affects between 2% and 4% of the US population, with the vast majority of them being female.


There is no known cure for fibromyalgia, and the standard treatment for this syndrome is medication such as painkillers and antidepressants.


The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey conducted a study in 2006 on Qigong as a treatment for 10 women with severe fibromyalgia. After just five to seven 40 minute sessions of Qigong, most of the subjects reported a reduction in pain and other symptoms, while two of the subjects enjoyed a complete recovery from FMS.


5. Qigong for Joint Pain


Joint pain often occurs from injuries or as a symptom of inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and commonly impacts the shoulders, wrists, ankles and knees.

In 2017, researchers conducted a study on Qigong exercises for adults with arthritis. They concluded that Qigong exercises are a safe practice for most adults with arthritis that are likely to increase their quality of life, as well diminishing both pain and depression.


6. Qigong for Back Pain


Back pain can result from injuries or the degeneration of the spine, and is one of the biggest causes of physical disability.

Fortunately for sufferers of back pain, Qigong is excellent for musculoskeletal health. When performed correctly, Qigong realigns the spine and skeleton to significantly improve posture, which consequently improves blood and oxygen flow around the body (which offers a myriad of further health benefits.)

A 2018 study on two individuals with chronic back pain explored the effects that a daily Qigong practice had on their condition. Both of the subjects reported a significant reduction (90%) in pain relief, as well as improved endurance and mood, and the ability to get full-time employment.


Don’t Call it a Comeback


Although often described as “alternative medicine,” Qigong was keeping people healthy for thousands of years before the emergence of allopathic medicine. Today, Qigong calmly outperforms the standard medical treatments for many chronic diseases.


Qigong is gentle yet powerful, free from side effects and invasive surgery, superbly beneficial for health, and a deeply satisfying, easy-to-learn practice. Once you have learned a complete system of Medical Qigong, you have an effective, efficient practice that will fortify your health and protect you from chronic health problems for the rest of your life.


If you’re inspired to take your health into your own hands with Qigong, we invite you to visit us in Siem Reap for personalized training or do one of our online courses.


Medical Disclaimer

​All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a trusted qualified physician or healthcare provider.




1. World Health Organization: The top 10 causes of death.

2. Chan-Chuang Qigong Improves Exercise Capacity, Depression, and Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure.

3. A systematic review of the effectiveness of qigong exercise in cardiac rehabilitation.

4. The Internet Stroke Centre: Stroke Statistics.

5. Mind-body interactive qigong improves physical and mental aspects of quality of life in inpatients with stroke: A randomized control study.

6. World Health Organization: Diabetes.

7. Qigong for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

8. [Effects of Health Qigong Baduanjin on diabetes related indexes in middle-aged obese women].

9. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Qigong for the Fibromyalgia Syndrome.

10. American Chronic Pain Association: Quick Facts on Fibromyalgia.

11. A pilot study of external qigong therapy for patients with fibromyalgia.

12. Joint Pain: Symptoms & Signs.

13. Qigong Exercise and Arthritis.

14. Back Pain.

15. Qigong and a Tale of Two Back Complaints.




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